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Valley Forge Military Academy & College Names New Chaplain

Oct 20, 2022

Reverend Anthony Morris, M.A. has been named Chaplain at Valley Forge Military Academy & College. He serves the Corps of Cadets in interfaith spiritual leadership. Among his key and responsibilities has been to support Garrison Sergeant Major William Mott, OBE MVO, Commandant of Cadets, as he introduces monthly programs about Character Development.


“The vision GSM Mott has for developing the spiritual part of the whole person VFMAC educates is a mission I share,” said Reverend Morris. “The school continues to build leaders and having them fully embrace the spiritual elements of life will continue to set them apart from others.”


Reverend Morris points out there is a difference between religion and spirituality with spirituality linked more to the emotional and psychological meaning of life, and finding a way through life challenges. Religion is a faith which takes on beliefs in a higher being or beings. “The two are not always linked,” he says. “If some one acknowledges a faith or a religion, then it is possible to connect it to spirituality. But spirituality can exist without religion.”


Reverend Morris has a long history working with students and brings understanding and compassion to his post. He has served as a Sports Chaplain/Team Pastor for the football team at Wesley College (2009-2010) and Towson University (2010-Present). In 2015, Reverend Morris established the 501C3 non-profit Sports Ministry Endurance 2000, with the intention to develop the total athlete in mind, body and soul.


Reverend Morris studied at both Livingstone College and South Carolina State University, and holds an undergraduate degree in biology and and a minor in chemistry with a concentration in environmental science. He was a member of the 1997 and 1998 CIAA Football champion team and was inducted into the Livingstone College Hall of Fame in 2018. He is a certified Healthcare Chaplain and holds a Master of Arts in Leadership Ministry (M.A.L.M.) from Faith Evangelical Seminary with a concentration in Life Coaching.


Currently, he is completing his Doctorate in Clinical Pastoral Psychotherapy. During the height of Covid, Reverend Morris began his own grief practice, Holding Your Tears, LLC, where counseling is provided to people working through grief, crisis and loss.


“My mantra is It is in our humanness and brokenness that we find the strength to heal,” he said. I am grateful for the opportunity to walk with people through life’s experiences and challenges.”


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