Once your application file is complete, written notification of the decision will be mailed to you informing you of your eligibility status for enrollment.
The Application Process
We accept applications on an ongoing basis for January or September enrollment. The earlier you apply, the earlier you can be accepted and considered for scholarship opportunities.
The process begins with an application. Once we receive a completed application form, we will send a request for transcripts and evaluation forms to candidate’s present school. Please note: an acceptance decision cannot be rendered until we have this information.
We are committed to notifying you of our decision within one week of receiving your completed application. Written notification of the decision will be mailed. Upon notification of acceptance a non-refundable $250 deposit is required.
To begin the application process, click here for the online application form.
If you have any questions during the application process, or would prefer a mailed copy of the application, please contact your Admissions Counselor at (610) 989-1300.
In order to complete your application file, your Admissions Counselor will need to receive:
SAT / ACT Codes for prospective students:
SAT code: 002955
ACT code: 003740
TOEFL Code for prospective international students: 002955
Early Decision Applications
For Early Decision applications, the deadline is October 15. Decisions will be mailed by November 1, and deposits are due by December 15. Early Decision students/cadets will receive a reduced deposit fee ($100 instead of $250).
Medical Requirements
Applicants should be physically fit and free from any factors that could limit their full participation in cadet life. All applications will also be screened by the medical and counseling staff because some conditions cannot be supported at Valley Forge Military College.
Physical Examination
All students are required to have a recent (within the last six months) physical examination completed by a physician and submitted to the Health Center prior to arrival. The physical examination may be arranged with the Health Center. All immunizations must be updated and records submitted with the physical exam.
If the candidate is on medication, the prescribing physician must supply written verification on letterhead stationary that describes the type, dosage and reason for all medications taken.
Any candidate who has ever been involved in or is presently under the care of any directed or voluntary counseling or therapy program must have a written clinical summary submitted by the psychologist or psychiatrist.