
News and Events

Cool Ride to FTX

Oct 20, 2022

Fall Field Exercises took VFMC Army ECP Cadets to Fort Indiantown Gap for a weekend of great Army training. Cadets were flown in a Chinook Helicopter which landed on the parade grounds at VFMAC and flew the Cadets directly to their training area.


“The training was underway with planning, rehearsals, equipment checks, and helicopter operations review training before the Chinook even arrived,” said LTC Josh Meyer, Professor of Military Science, VFMC. “We were able to execute a hot load (engines on) since all Cadets received prior hands-on training with the helicopter.”


On arrival at Fort Indiantown Gap, Cadets immediately established their patrol bases in the woods and learned to trust their Army equipment as temperatures dropped below 30°.  The rest of the weekend consisted of day and night land navigation, squad tactics, introduction to basic rifle marksmanship with the M-4 rifle, and concluded with leader reaction (team problem solving) and obstacle courses. 


MSIV sophomore ECP Cadets planned and executed all training well above standard preparing themselves for future service as second lieutenants while also preparing our new MSIII cadets to once again exceed the standards at Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox.


“Hold the Line”

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