Security Studies – Associate of Arts
Enter the world of homeland security, emergency management, or intelligence studies with the foundation offered by this degree. You’ll take classes in global conflict, terrorism, constitutional law, cybersecurity, and digital forensics depending on your career path. Gain a broad understanding of the field, or focus your studies by earning an undergraduate certificate in Digital Forensics or Cybersecurity as part of your studies. The VFMC security studies degree prepares you to enter the career field immediately after graduation or transfer to a four-year program in a host of security studies specialty areas based on the grounding you receive.
[Security Studies Degree Plan and Sequence current pdf course and credit information: https://www.vfmac.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/VFMC-Security_Studies_Degree_Plan_and_Sequence_21-22.pdf]

What You Will Learn
Program Core
Calculus I & II
Biology I & II
Physics I & II
Chemistry I
Introduction to Psychology

Get Hired
Security professionals can be employed in a number of environments including:
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of the functions of business
- Students will employ tools and skills necessary to solve business and organizational
problems - Students will research and apply business problem-solving and decision-making in the context of the larger social and economic environment

Transfer Partnerships

Continuing Your Education
Valley Forge Military College has established agreements and partnerships with 32 colleges and universities across the country. These agreements provide seamless transfer pathways, making completing your bachelor’s degree easier after earning your associate’s degree at VFMC.